Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Book of Blood and Shadow by Robin Wasserman

Publisher:  Random House
Date:  April 10, 2012
ISBN: 978-0375968761
Pages:  352

Nora's best friend, Adriane is catatonic, Adriane's boyfriend Chris is dead and Nora's boyfriend Max is missing.  Oh yeah, Nora came to with blood everywhere.  Is Max a murderer?  Nora sets out to find out the truth.  Her search takes her all the way to Prague.

Nora comes off as a real person.  She doesn't just accept the way things are, she questions and challenges them.  When she's hurt, you know it, but she keeps going.  Cuz that's what strong women do.

There's letters from the past, an ancient religious sect, cute boys, helpful boys, mysterious boys, deceit, love, science, history, mystery and treasure hunting.  All put together with beautiful writing and great characterization.

You really need to read this one yourself!  Great job, Ms. Wasserman!


  1. Love the title, creeped out by the cover, excited by your review. Thanks!

  2. I hate writing mixed reviews. I did enjoy the book and it was intelligently written but it had some flaws for me.
